the salty jew

Roger Ver says dont judge him by his past actions. Roger claims people who want patents do it just to control humanity. Roger plans to only get this one patent bc he wants to be remembered as Bitcoin Jesus even though his legacy says something completely different. Ver who hates the United States and western culture gave up his citizenship in the US mostly to avoid CINFEN and other financial agencies.Roger was heavily involved with Ross Ulbricht and Silk Road where rumors fly all over the internet that he had a much larger role than previously believed.He Openly tweets Free Ross bc he feels terrible that Ross is serving life imprisonment for following Roger’s advice to start the open market bizarre.

Roger has done everything he could to delay Bitcoin’s adoption and by investing in shitcoins while promoting them all for profit. He has not done much of what he claims he would do for bitcoin and continues to cause mass distractions in the space. On top of all of that his pals are crooks and birds of a feather flock together. His current status in the bitcoin space , he’s known as Bitcoin Judas.